Color Guard
Marching Illini Auditions for the 2025 season are now open!
audition process
- You may participate in several Guard Clinics throughout the spring semester to prepare for the Audition Day
- No final decisions are made during the Guard Clinics and these are not required to make the team
- Prospective students interested in joining the Marching Illini Color Guard must participate in our auditions in April
- The Marching Illini Color Guard Auditions consist of technique, fundamentals, and learning the audition routine
- You will not be required to choreograph routines during the audition
- All materials, routines, music, and equipment will be taught via video

Instructions for Submitting a Marching Illini Video Audition
- Create your audition video FIRST – be sure you can upload it to the audition platform OR if you have multiple videos, edit them and submit your video audition in 1 link either through YouTube or GoogleDrive
- Submit our on-line audition registration form
- Upload a video in the audition form OR copy a link to your video in the field provided – if you submitted the audition registration form already without your video audition, send Professor Houser (bhouser2@illinois.edu) an email with a link to your audition video
- Submit the audition registration form
Audition Requirements for Color Guard
- Please make sure you wear clothing that allows for movement and isn’t too loose on the body
- Introduce yourself, your first & last name, age, where you are from, and what year in school you will be in the fall
- Review and learn the following AUDITION VIDEO
- Watch this video about The Audition Process
- Once you record your audition video, see the information below for submitting your Marching Illini Video Audition
- Round 1 Video submissions due April 1 at 11:59pm
- Those chosen to move on to the final audition will be requested to come to campus